Wednesday, October 17, 2007

There was a time when I'm down and my soul is weary. When troubles come. I knew my heart was a burden. Then I was still and walk in the silence. I was a strong in facing problems. That time I was a lonesome guy. I was filled with dark thoughts. It is not often to me to laugh and fill my lips with a big big smile. I remembered those days when sadness filled my heart because I lose a girl that gave me a reason to smile. I felt my days in this earth is going to end. The feeling of desperation. It was then when I realized to be strong despite of loneliness. There are people who shows love without showing it physically but heartily. Now that I'm a young boy, I remembered those laughter moment that we're together. In proof, it was carved in my heart and no one can omit it.
A good deal of happiness as we grow older is caused by our pining for the “good old days”- Those times when we enjoyed health, wealth, position or power. But the things of this world don't last. They are vacillating, changeable, capricious. In time, they may be taken away from us and replaced with poverty, isolation, weakness and pain.
A little bit of doggerel goes as follows, “A cheerful old bear at the zoo could always find something to do. When it bore him, you know, to walk and fro, he reversed it and walked fro and two.” The writer apparently thought people could learn a lesson from the bear, for those creatures seem to be quite happy as long as they have enough food to eat, a few of their own kind around them.
This is not true of humans, however. The Israelites who had returned from Babylon discovered that man cannot find happiness when he lives only for himself. They ignored the fact that God's temple had not been rebuilt, but gave themselves to the construction of houses and completely occupied themselves with materialistic things. Yet their harvests were poor, their clothing inadequate, and their wages did not keep pace with rising costs. The prophet told them they were reaping a harvest of happiness because they were putting selfish pleasures first.
In the story “Remembering Laughter” by Conrado V. Pedroche, it conveys the theme, it refers to some general idea embedded in the story, it is the idea that downs on you when you come to the end of the story. It is the insight worth keeping and sharing. It talks on what a certain lady bear her loneliness. . .her last laughter. It wasn't easy to carry all those problems in her. But one thing that gives the story an appeal is the ability of the girl to be strong in any way-to be happy. The writer gives us sensory or concrete attributes of the subject. Pedroche's description of the people is masterful. Whatever we do, these would always be a door where you want to search for that moment.
With these, is happiness a burden?
There same a teacher named Mary Anne, a new English teacher that is suffering from an infected tooth and her face was swollen. She bears the kindliness but she is always down. She laughed when David drew a picture of her that is filled with loneliness. The two became a good friends. Then a joy is felt in the face of the teacher as the time goes by. David was consistent in class and he's got a good grades, this is the way to impress Mary Anne. That time he fell in love with Mary Anne. David tried to give her a letter but the Mary Anne just laughed with this. David was deeply hurt and he tried not to be active. But then it was resolved. There came a big problem on Mrs. Ashborne about the handsome guy Mr. James because he did not connect the matter with the trip to Baguio. He did not resent her going. Mary Anne doesn't used to laugh. Somethings wrong. To an immense relief. At the end of the school term she returned to the United States but the memory of her and her daughter and the sad bewildering days of her last month in Tarlac have become a part of the light and darkness of the early world of David's young manhood.
Is happiness a burden?
Happiness cannot be obtained. Happiness in its definite appearance is a mild feeling that each experiences. Therefore happiness is everything. It is not likely a pain to carry. It's one thing that soothes our life, living in this land. We all know happiness is the root to success. But why should we not bear our personal pleasure? Happiness to some is not easy to get, you should first go through the word “trials”. Only one could dictate himself/herself on what to do, this way it is for him/her to experience happiness. If one is happy it is impossible for him to fail because he carries a bright future and confidence. Happiness I say, is not a burden. It is just one smile or laughter but it means a lot. We are capable of our own happiness despite of people who consider that happiness is nothing. By the time we plant happiness surely happiness is our account. Just for example Mary Anne in the story, she suffers an infected wisdom tooth and her face was swollen. She is filled with dark thoughts. She never laugh but when David came into her life, laughter filled her heart. And the thoughts of impossible is gone. And she lives in a happy life despite of toils, this is a good example of a lady who thought laughter is gone.
Many effect was on me when I read the article. I felt guilt, guilt of saying that not all of us possesses a happy feeling. Some may say it's a burden. It is hard when you feel your relatives, friends, or love ones gets the feeling to be lonesome. In that way there is a reason for them to say they carry the world by their hands. I felt pain. Pain of saying that everyone needs to be happy. And some could not merely sense that this exist for they know it is alright to experience downfalls. A feeling of frustration is what I feel because I don't know if one thinks happiness is the secret to victory. Frustrated that everyone thinks happiness does not exists. Sad to say. . .
The parts that is needed to be improved here is the sense of humans feeling of concluding happiness is not easy to get because they think happiness is so dismal that they don't need it. It is far better for them to say I have many of these things but the opposite happens. We should not think negatively, it is a component to be happy in order to succeed we should inculcate this in our mind. Well, that's our choice in choosing these, it depends on us. On one hand the weakness here is the “bahala na” habit of Filipinos, they entrust their deed to God. This is inappropriate. If we do this can we obtain happiness? Not for sure! Perhaps happiness is not a pain, we should remember this all the time. The strength in this topic is that some learns to use happiness in the proper way. They do not abuse this. It is just a barter. One should do his best, and happiness will just take an effect. In this way we could succeed our problems.
I interviewed some critics about their reaction of what people today means the word happiness. If if it is a burden or not. They answered it is just a component why man can stand and survive. Everyone has its right to experience happiness in their own way. They could say it is a burden for the reason that one will lose its productive capacity when happiness is removed. Therefore it is just essential, what more they can say is being happy means your away from your problems, ready to face next task and in that way we can survive. I then had an interview to children about their reaction about this, they concluded. “It is nice to be happy,everyone should be happy”. In my mind they simply mean that no matter what. Be strong. Be glad and be happy for many people will help you when you're happy. Many will console you.
Speaking concretely, happiness is the solution. The values I learned in this story is having a positive thought. If we did unacceptable acts. We should correct it. Behind happiness lies a positive thought. Everyone should think positively. Being happy means you are ready. Ready to face problems. Every now and then happiness is the aspect of why we continue our life. With the help of this I can say “I will survive!”. In one side I learned to be thoughtful. Thoughtful of saying, being aware is one. I must be thoughtful to say to myself “be happy”, in this case I know what is happiness in my life. And I am likely to believe in myself. If I could stand firmly I am happy to say what I want to. Easy to mingle.
Exactly, all of these values are needed in my total development because it helps me succeed. I survive all these trials because I believe in the values I've learned. Standing firmly and facing anything means you have applied the values in its proper place.
The general idea of my topic is the sense of happiness. I conclude that it is not a burden. Because it is me and my personality. When I say happiness is a burden. I doubt, I'm not here in this world. As I say happiness is a warm feeling, so why would I say it is a burden?
The main point of my topic is closely related to the present situation of the government in the way that people in the Philippines need to be happy in order to survive. People are happy because they know that with a one smile, it could change a lot. So, it is far better to be happy than to carry a mood of sadness. In the government, we know everything is in serious, no foolishness but once in a while they learn to smile for it is the way we show our brothers and sisters we are positive.
The result of my analysis is broadly between being happy or being sad. If we wanted to be happy, why not? It is a good thing to have. Happiness is just a simple way why we learn to cheer despite of our sadness. But when we want to be sad? That's our choice. But we need to learn to be happy once in a while because it means a lot.
When we delight in the Lord and in His word, we will find true happiness. He alone offers a righteousness that endures for all eternity.
“Life is bleak when you have nothing to look forward to”
There are some whose souls are locked in winter. The hardness of life has frozen their hearts. Disappointed with life, they find that each day is filled with despair. “Weeping may endure for a night,” the psalmists tells us. “but with joy comes in the morning”. In the darkest times of our lives, God longs to turn our “mourning to dancing”.3
David wrote, “In the multitude of my anxieties within me, your comforts delight my soul”.If you cry out to God in the midst of your “winter”, you can experience the joy of the Christ of Christmas today.
Now none but Christ can satisfy
None of other name for me;
There's love and Life and Counting Joy,
Lord Jesus, found in Thee.
In general, we should permit happiness to come in our every day's life because happiness is everything.
Balarbar, Corazon V. et. al. (1989) Gems in the Philippine Literature and National Bookstore, Incorporation, Quezon City, Philippines.
Conrado V. Pedroche (1909-1980) is a short story writer, poet. He studied at the University of the Philippines and became a member of the UP Writer's Club and associate editor of the Literary Apprentice. More than two hundred of his stories have appeared in various Philippine journals. Two of his books for children are the Ginger Girl and One World Comedy. Full Circle is the best of his collection of short fiction.
Remembering Laughter
When she first came to class in June of my sophomore year in high school, Mary Anne was suffering from an infected wisdom tooth and her face was swollen on the left side. She was the new English Teacher in the Tarlac High School. She came in a flat hot water bag pressed to her cheek but her eyes were laughing blue. I saw at once the kindliness in her eyes and I tried to draw it down on a piece of paper which I showed to her after class. She laughed when she saw my attempt. You can't draw, she said quite frankly, but I like the sketch. At least you caught the pain in my face.
And your laughing eyes, I said. Is it terrible really? I asked, I mean the pain?
Yes, Mary Anne said. Not merely as terrible as the drawing, though!
We both laughed at this. After a while, walking down the corridor, she added brightly:

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